This section enables users to view detailed information about bot activities. No challenge actions are required, as these activities are automatically identified as bots. The outcomes for bot activities are either "allow", “challenge” or "deny."
The bots fraud analytics dashboard consists of:
Risk Map
Top 5 suspicious activities
New bots List
Note: The Bot feature is available only for web applications.
Risk Map
The Risk Map gives an overview of the risk detected with the bots in the application. The risk map shows the details in red (critical), orange(high), yellow(medium) and green(low) colors.
Image depicting risk map for bots
Top 5 suspicious activities
The top 5 suspicious activities are available in the right-hand side of the Dashboard along with tabs for OS and IP details. There is also a trend graph depicting the trend of a specific threat over time, based on the selected filter.
Image depicting bots related top threats
Bots List
The bot list provides the following details that include Risk score, Activity ID, Decision, OS, Location, IP and Time.
You can click on the Activity ID to delve deeper into the risk insights.
Image depicting bots list